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Stewardship Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of God, Have Mercy On Me. You are the Good Steward, who redeemed Adam and Eve of their failed stewardship by offering Yourself for the life of the world. You taught us in the feeding of the multitudes that whatever we give to God is returned to us multiplied. You praised the good and faithful servants in the parable of the talents who returned to the Master their gifts. Help us to become better stewards of all that we have been blessed with, and give thanks, praise and glory to You, together with Your Father, who is from everlasting and Your all holy good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever and onto the ages of ages. Amen.
Stewardship Wisdom
Dear Stewards, do you have a friend or loved one who has not been in church for a while? Please invite them to “Come and See” and worship with us this Sunday.
“Our Church invites us to open the gate of our soul, to accept Christ, to allow Him to lodge and dwell in it." Archimandrite George, Grigoriou Monastery